Meet Nancy, a wildlife rehabilitation specialist, and her adorable rescued beaver named Beave.
Beave ended up in her house when he was just 3 weeks old.
Nancy surmises that the reason the beaver’s parents were killed was because they couldn’t leave him there alone after finding him abandoned on the side of the road.
Yet beavers possess powerful instincts that Mother Nature has given them.
Beavers really spend around two years living with their parents, during which time they learn everything from them.
And the beaver finally starts building a dam wherever it is.
Be ready for the beaver to start hauling all of your items and utilizing them as building materials if he chooses to live in your house rather than the wild.
Nancy had the following to say regarding the building of Beave:
“Beave hasn’t started building outside or in the water yet; he’s just getting started on a dam using home goods.” He usually builds a dam at night. He simply rebuilds everything once I clean it!
Mop heads, buckets, rags, and even a plunger are all contained between its hardy paws and razor-sharp teeth.
Also, they are not the typical dams that beavers construct from wood. To build a dam, Beave takes everything he can find in the house and jams it through the entryway.
Everything you can think of—figurines, pillows, shoes, buckets, clothing, bathroom rugs, brushes, boxes, toys—has most likely already been used to construct one of his dams.
About 1.5 million people watch Beave’s everyday adventures on his own TikTok account.