An Orphaned Elephant Baby That Was Saved by the Herd Runs Excitedly Toward the Refuge

Elephants are intelligent, loving, and have a good memory. Despite their size, they are extremely gentle, sensitive, loving, and selfless beings.

Elephant moms are overly protective and compassionate. It’s amazing how compassionate people can be and how they can console and comprehend the suffering of another.

Elephant herd run joyfully to greet a rescued and orphaned elephant baby at the refuge

Meet Dok Gaew, a baby elephant who is one year and nine months old. He was saved by the volunteers at the Elephant Natural Park. The helpless calf was found abandoned in the woods.

Without his mother or family, the helpless creature would not be able to live in the wild. He was then taken to the treatment center.

Dok was scared and perplexed. Elephants need to live in their herd because they are highly social animals and need to engage with other elephants to get over loneliness or other challenges.

Elephant herd run joyfully to greet a rescued and orphaned elephant baby at the refuge

So, the ENP crew was uncertain as to how the herd would accept him and respond upon encountering the orphaned young elephant. Yet they were pleasantly astonished to witness the herd’s kind welcome.

The herd ran rapidly to meet Dok when they heard him calling. Even though Dok was in a cage, getting to the newest member of their large family wasn’t difficult.

The elephants were trying to reach Dok by shoving their trunks through the gaps. They demonstrated their warmth and joy at seeing him in this way. As though they were trying to convey that he is not alone.

Elephant herd run joyfully to greet a rescued and orphaned elephant baby at the refuge

The newborn Dok was calmed by friendly elephants who showed him their love and attention.

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