Ubukombe, a Teenage Gorilla Babysitter, Is Always There to Assist So That the Young Mothers May Have a Break

Nepotism is quite popular among gorillas. Mothers with large families frequently hire childless women to watch their children so they may relax and feed.

They may be trusted in this regard. Gorillas are extremely sensitive to children. They never hit or otherwise punished the cubs.

A  young female gorilla was observed voluntarily assisting in the care of another gorilla’s babies.

Gorilla Volunteers To Babysit So Mom Can Have A Break - The Dodo

According to Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund communications expert Donna Gorman, Ubukombe is not passing up the opportunity to feed the infants.

Young moms can take a vacation from their motherly duties thanks to her assistance.

Ubukombe recently made the decision to sit with the infant so that the worn-out gorilla mother could take a nap.

Gorilla Volunteers To Babysit So Mom Can Have A Break - The Dodo

She had seven cubs, and the Foundation staff refers to her as Gutangara since her hands are constantly full with them. And getting therapy won’t do her any harm.

By the way, it’s unusual for Ubukombe to be so eager to take care of cubs. since she has never been a mother and is still a teenager herself.

However, because it helps moms as well, they are not hesitant to entrust her with their children.

Male Gorillas That Babysit End Up With Larger Brood of Their Own | Smart  News| Smithsonian Magazine

The younger the gorilla is taken away from his mother, the sooner he will become independent.


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