The Cat Left the House and Came Back Three Days Later With a Message Stating That He Is Now in Debt

Worried owners searched the area for their pet cat for three days.

Missing For 3 Days, Pet Cat Returns Home After Running Up A Debt

Eventually, the cat came back on his own. The cat arrived with a note indicating that he had accrued debts; thus, it turned out that the worry was valid.
The owner of the cat, a citizen of Thailand’s northern city of Chiang Mai, told the media this tale.

Naughty Cat Goes Missing And Returns With Fish 'Bill'

The man claimed that despite traveling around the entire region and posting posters about the missing cat everywhere for three days, no one contacted him.

“I offered this cat three mackerel as he kept an eye on the fish in my stall. As the sign suggested, contact Aunt May.

Cat Goes On Adventure And Returns Home With A Note Around His Neck - The  Dodo

Naturally, the man dialed the given number. The cat ended up spending all three days in the closest market, where he was fed by a salesgirl.
“Cats are just like kids.” “They develop debts, depart, and then return,” the owner of the debtor quipped in jest to the media.

Of course, the man bought the fish from the woman. All debts must ultimately be paid back.

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