Patricia and her husband Vitor decided to leave the big city in 2011 and get back in touch with nature.
They arrived in Camanducaia, Brazil, and constructed a refuge there where her husband could cultivate organic food and she could practice yoga.
According to the Sanctuary’s website, “Vale da Rainha shelters over a hundred Master Animals: cows, pigs, horses, donkeys, goats, sheep, birds, dogs and cats – all saved from cruelty.” The Sanctuary then focuses on emotional recovery through compassion, which also benefits humans like ourselves.
The Sanctuary is a nonprofit organization run primarily by volunteers.
It’s the ideal place for growth on a personal level. They promote the idea that although things don’t change, people do. And the world is altered by changed people.
Patricia addressed the staff members who helped operate the refuge and the animals they saved with kindness and love.
A bull who had been saved showed up at their refuge one day. He was meant to be killed for meat, but he climbed a wall and escaped. The animal was sobbing when he got to the sanctuary.
He stopped crying as soon as Patricia met him. He was still a little frightened, but she had faith that he would come to trust her.
The others cautioned Patricia that the bull was aggressive and would harm her.
The first meeting, however, assured Patricia that the bull would never harm her. Following that, Patricia would simply talk to him and sing to him while she searched for him in the sanctuary.
Patricia kept doing this until the bull eventually sat down next to her and put his head on her lap. She realized the bull trusted her at that point.
The bull would now lay down on the ground when he saw her and display her his belly, where he was waiting to receive a big hug. Patricia was glad to sing a song for him and do so.
But she also sang to other animals in addition to the bull.
Particularly after purchasing the property, Patricia took care of the animals and sang to them.
“One night, I saw a very elderly woman who was strong and wise. She instructed me to take care of all living things,” Patricia recalled. ” The next day, a friend of mine requested me to adopt her horse because she could no longer care for him. The request came after her vision, which I perceived as incredibly magical. We realized we might help others, so our sanctuary’s adventure began.
The animals’ sanctuary evolved into a place where visitors could interact with them, sing, and tell them stories.