Man Comforts a Hurt, Worried Swan With a Hug and Receives a Lovely “Thank You” in Return.

The host of the television program “Born to Explore,” Richard Wiese, told, “On the one hand, everyone believes they’re very beautiful animals.”

On the other side, they can be nasty if people have been around them. Swans in the wild may seriously peck you.

But when Wiese got up close and personal with some swans in the Abbotsbury Swannery, that wasn’t the case.

There is the world’s largest colony of mute swans at the Abbotsbury Swannery in Dorset, England.  Members of two groups that help injured birds recover, the Regal Swan Foundation and Swan Lifeline, joined Wiese.

Man calms distressed, injured swan with a cuddle and gets a beautiful 'thank  you' in return

Wiese was able to approach the swans very close.

“I could feel its heart pounding when I put it close to me, and it just relaxed its neck and wrapped it around mine,” Wiese recalled. The moment an animal completely trusts you is great.

Wiese ultimately shared a photo of the incident on Facebook, where it received over 2,000 likes.
“When we publish something, we often receive five to ten comments. But only in the previous three days, about 20,000 people have probably looked at this image,” he claimed.

May be an image of bird, lake and nature

There is something that has undoubtedly affected people.

The swan that Wiese was photographed with had been hurt after it collided with a chain-link fence.

Wiese assisted the animal in becoming at ease so that it could be moved.
As the photograph might lead you to believe, the swan didn’t exactly decide to go up and cuddle Wiese by chance.

Like anything else, you have to be informed about animals and extremely perceptive, for example, when you meet a dog you’ve never met. “I seized it, placing one arm at the base of its neck and the other over its wings. When I held it close to my chest, it must have felt secure or safe because a short while after it simply gave up. It wrapped my neck in practically its own neck.

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The swan was calm with rough handling so that it could have medical assistance.

Its chest was thumping against mine, and I could feel it. I felt like I wanted to shut my eyes and be alone for the moment to enjoy it fully. When you and this animal that communicates nonverbally feel a link and mutual trust and the animal understands you mean no harm, it’s a truly wonderful experience.

In pictures, he can even be seen holding a swan that has just been rehabilitated and released into the wild.

On the Born to Explore Facebook page, Wiese received numerous thanks for aiding the hurt swan.

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“I frequently rescue wildlife as a volunteer, and it is very touching to see when a prey species, like a swan or other (non-raptor) bird, recognizes that people are not a threat and are there to help them,”

Another person added, “Even the most violent creatures can display kindness.”

Aggression is a sign that an animal is thinking and behaving; it is always positive. Swans are quite intelligent for avians, and like any intelligent species, if they are in need of help they will accept human assistance if the human is not a threat. Non-aggressive animals typically do not show a lot of mental capacity.

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