Orphaned Chicks Are “Adopted” by an Owl Mother Who Lost Her Own Young.

He develops behaviors to entice wildlife into his garden so he can use nest cameras to observe their behavior while producing his work.
He uses their behavior to inform the creation of his paintings and other artistic endeavors. Fuller also saves wildlife, particularly newborn owls and orphaned or missing owlets.

“Tawny owls welcome the tiny chicks as their own when I frequently place orphaned or missing owlets into their nests. They have a tremendous desire to nurture and protect others, says Fuller in the title of one of his YouTube videos.

Luna is the name of one of the tawny owls that Fuller uses as the adoptive mother.

Actually, Luna was an owl who had to be saved. In 2017, owls at Fuller’s property adopted her and raised her as their own. A healthy adult owl who desired to be a mother to her own owls, Luna grew up thanks to their care and protection.

For two years, Luna tried to become a mother, but her eggs weren’t successful in hatching. The Dodo claims that she also misplaced one whole batch of eggs the year before. Fortunately, though, Luna might still have a family. Fuller found two more owlets in need of a mother.

He was aware that leaving the infants with Luna would enable her to use her maternal instincts and give them a chance for survival. As a result, Fuller put the two owlets in Luna’s nest and waited for her to return.

He hoped that she would raise the infants and accept them as her own. Thankfully, Luna warmed up to the two infants right away. Luna poked her head in, saw the two babies, and jumped into her tree hole.

She sped over to them, took the infants beneath her wings, and immediately wrapped a blanket around them to keep them warm and safe.
“Brooding” is the term used by All About Birds to describe this. Until their young have enough feathers to control their own body temperatures, female owls will sit on them to assist regulate their body temperatures.

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