Cienna walked for the first time in years, her face sparkling with happiness.
Her service dog, Piper, who had really begun bouncing with joy, appeared to be even happier.
Cienna, a person with a disability who requested that her last name not be used, often uses a wheelchair. Piper is always by Cienna’s side, ready to help with her chronic medical issues. He has received instruction in identifying and alerting to low blood sugar, migraines, mast cell responses, and other conditions. He also helps with mobility aid by picking up objects, closing doors, and pushing buttons for the physically challenged.
After starting a new therapy, Cienna was finally able to walk a short distance. While Piper has been trained to rein down his exuberance, he was unable to do so when he first noticed Cienna walking.
For both of us, it was really emotional. I spoke with The Dodo Cienna.
When he isn’t working, Piper enjoys everything involving water. He has a history of doing things like jumping off boats, jumping in showers, playing in the hose, chasing sprinklers, and even boogie boarding in the ocean.
Cienna and her trainer from Michigan Service Dogs LLC have saved her life more times than Cienna and her trainer can count.
Cienna continued. “He is constantly picking up new skills to minimize my ever-evolving disability.” He is aware of how to operate alongside any type of mobility aid. He always makes me laugh and is my biggest supporter. I wouldn’t be alive now without him and his attempts to preserve lives.