Therapy a Dog Visits Elderly People in Quarantine To Let Them Know They’re Not Alone

Tonka has been paying frequent visits to the patients and residents at Cedar Pointe Health and Wellness Suites in Texas for the past year or two. There, he never fails to make everyone around him smile. Safety measures related to the coronavirus epidemic, however, have recently threatened to put a halt to those encounters.

The residents of the nursing home have become self-isolated and have little touch with the outside world. Thankfully, Tonka and his handler managed to get past it.

Instead of stepping inside the building  Tonka greeted them at their windows. The townspeople were ecstatic that he did, of course.
Susan Peters-Fineske, who was with Tonka, told The Dodo that it was touching to witness the elderly people’s shocked reactions when they discovered Tonka at their window. There were a few tears as they would press their palms up against the window.
In order to express their gratitude to Tonka for being there for them, several of the locals even fashioned placards.

Then Tonka will come back. As long as the situation persists and until they can again meet face to-face, he will continue to distribute happiness from the homes’ windows.

“I’m very happy that I was there [that day] to observe that and be a part of it all,” Peters-Fineske said.

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