The goose suffered a foot injury and was in danger, which confirmed the experts’ worries. To survive, Arnold needed surgery. The procedure was done by Cape Wildlife Center in order to save his foot and increase his chances of surviving. We believe that when he was swimming, a snapping turtle or other predator injured him. He received antibiotics, painkillers, and a fast before having surgery the following day. Arnold’s condition worried more than just the vets. As they got ready for the procedure, the surgical team encountered an unexpected visitor. The vets instantly identify Arnold’s companion. It seems that the goose has found her boyfriend and followed him to be by his side.
We recently heard a light tapping. He and his friend attempted to break into our clinic while falling onto the porch, but She discovered him. While Arnold was receiving therapy, his love waited outside. The doctors played a key role in the surgery’s success.
Doctors allowed the two geese to reunite once they were done. They noted that she remained in the doorway throughout the process. “They appeared to be more at ease with one another. The group is hoping Arnold recovers quickly so he may see his lover again. Because of the entryway, the Cape Wildlife Center will do bandage changes and treatments so his mate may check on him.