What Happened to the Mother Rejected Rare White Tiger Cub?

The adorable cub with the name Nieve became popular. In Spanish, it has the meaning “snow.” The cub was only a week old. Sadly, the mother of the adorable cub, a black and yellow Bengal tiger, rejected it shortly after giving birth. The mother tiger was rescued from a circus. The zoo’s representative claimed that the mother tiger was unable to give her baby white tiger any milk. Unfortunately, losing one’s parental instincts is a common occurrence in wild animals kept in captivity.

The zoo chief’s wife, fortunately, came to the Nieve’s aid. She was more than happy to feed the pet by hand and give it better care.

According to Eduardo Sacasa, the director of the zoo, the adorable cub, who is the first white tiger to be born in a country in Central America, was about 2 pounds when it was born.

White tigers are not a distinct subspecies of tigers, and they are only able to survive in captivity due to an inactive gene that their Bengal tiger parents carried. World Wildlife Fund (WWF), in accordance with Minnesota Wildcat Sanctuary, refers to them as “a genetic anomaly” with no particular species known to exist in the wild. Black and yellow Bengali tigers make up Nieve’s parents. It appears, however, that it received that gene from its tiger grandfather.

The wife of the zoo chief in Nicaragua, Marina Arguello, advised taking better care of the cute cub until it is able to feed itself. Marina Arguello faces a challenging task up until that point. She said, “Adorable little cub hasn’t lost her desire. If the little cub does not get the milk, she cries every three hours.”

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