Giraffes from the Hotel Are Behaving Brazenly by Eating There for Breakfast

Alex Timothy is making his way downstairs to breakfast when two of the meter-high giraffes peer through the windows. These giraffes are living at the Giraffe Manor in Nairobi, Kenya.

The giraffes’ heads turn side to side as they search the dining room for food. Alex’s seven-year-old daughter admires him.

Amelia makes sure the giraffe has a snack even when she is seated at her own table before the other guests offer the long-tongued gannet a taste of their leftovers.

Alex, a visitor from Moscow, Russia, said, “It was Amelia’s dream to visit Giraffe Manor and enjoy contact and touching a giraffe.” She was a lover of nature, so it was a wonderful experience for her.  I think we’ll have to go back and admire them.

Giraffes join guests at the breakfast table in African hotel

The 12-acre lovely oasis known as the Giraffe Manor is located in Nairobi’s Langata neighborhood.

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