Everyone Was Impressed by the Unusual Relationship Between the Orangutan Family and the Otter Group

When it comes to the surprising relationships between different kinds of species, Mother Nature never ceases to amaze. This time, a truly unique bond between a family of orangutans and some devoted otters captured the attention of the internet.

Orangutans Form 'Very Special Bond' with Otters Sharing Zoo Home |  PEOPLE.com

Even though the two families are housed in adjacent enclosures at the Pairi Daiza Zoo in Belgium, no one could have predicted how well two drastically different animals would get along.

But the program created by the zoo’s keepers to keep the animals “entertained, engaged, challenged, and kept busy cognitively, emotionally, and physically at all times”.

Orangutans and otters pictured playing together in photos shared by Belgian  zoo - CNN

And since otters like to swim and the only river runs through the cage where the orangutans are kept, their paths eventually come together.

And since otters like to swim and the only river runs through the cage where the orangutans are kept, their paths eventually come together. Nobody, however, was prepared for the three orangutans to be so fascinated by their small companions.

Ape has a tug-of-war with family of otters as they try to steal his  blankets at Belgian zoo [Video] | Daily Mail Online

Sadly, the orangutan population is now in danger of being extinct. Over the past few decades, logging operations have caused orangutans to lose more than half of their natural habitats in Borneo and Sumatra. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature has classified the Bornean orangutan as severely endangered.

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