Most of you probably mentioned your parents or an older sibling as the person who used to take you to school when you were younger. It’s a standard setup, especially if all you need is to be walked down to the bus stop.Not that it’s horrible, but this Irish child from Co. Cavan probably has something better.
Six-year-old Croiadh travels to the bus stop with her kitten Aspen.
People were enamored with the morning routine video that Ursula Small captured. It’s amazing how deep the bond is between her kid and their cat, as this sweet moment showed.
According to one commentator on this video, cats are a lot more intelligent than humans give them credit for. Cats spend much of their time lying around the house and only want to go outside to “hunt” any birds they see. However, cats also enjoy their downtime, and we’re sure Aspen would concur.
She assured Storyful that Aspen would check for all the cues every morning. He would follow Croiadh to the hallway whenever he spotted her putting on her coat and calmly wait for her to open the door. Aspen leaves the moment she opens it, arriving a little early for their daily routine.
He follows her while trotting gently, occasionally accelerating when he becomes overexcited. Then, when Croiadh starts to lag behind, he starts to slow down. It’s endearing to see them spend time together and go on a longer morning walk before the bus arrives.