While working as a skilled nurse in one of the clinics, this lovely woman accepts connected wedding congratulations.
She called on George.
Given that the nurse is married, nothing is as straightforward as it first appears to be.
She married the same man 24 times in quick succession.
She wants to tie knots 26 more times, but she has no intention of stopping.
Every year becomes a positive ritual for their family’s marriage.
It started when this couple had to demonstrate their commitment and declare their intentions to the family.
Then, young couples were married behind their loved ones’ backs. It was necessary to arrange a second ceremony for this reason.
Two signed documents from separate states’ relevant agencies were given to the couple.
Then, young people began to consider why they shouldn’t be married every year in various locations. Soon after saying it, Leah and George started carrying out their plan.
While they are constantly newlyweds, they do not approach marriage in a careless or carefree manner.
Since they take an oath to one another every year, they strengthen their bonds in this way.
This is a wonderful chance to reconsider your priorities and rediscover your affection for the person you once loved.