Rudolph Ingram, better known as “Flame,” is a young athlete who has already established himself in the sports world at the age of 7.
He recently competed in Florida, where he set a new record for his age category in the 100-meter dash, clocking 13.48 seconds.
He holds the world record for his age group, and his outstanding speed and perseverance on the track have earned him the nickname “Flame.”
Rudolph, though, has abilities outside of track and field.
He performs admirably in football as well because of his lightning-quick movements around the pitch that keep his opponents on their toes.
He manages to retain decent grades in school and please his father despite his hectic schedule with sports.
Rudolph started on the path to this success at the age of 4, when he first surpassed his American contemporaries in terms of speed.
In his sporting career, he has already garnered 36 medals, including 20 gold ones. He also won football’s coveted “Heisman Trophy.”
His father is quite proud of his son’s successes and is very supportive of his skills.
Rudolph has won several honors for his athletic prowess, but he is dissatisfied with his present level of performance.
In the future, he intends to beat Usain Bolt’s world record.
Rudolph still has a lot of tournaments and new records to win; this is only the beginning.
Even Usain Bolt seems to be becoming concerned about the young prodigy’s potential.