Like a True Fairy Godmother, a Brazilian Maternity Photographer Turns Expecting Mothers Into Disney Princesses

Pregnancy is a magical time.And we need absolutely stunning images to depict all of the enchantment that a lady experiences over the course of nine months.

This is something that Rio de Janeiro-based Brazilian photographer Vanessa Firme is quite aware of.
The girl declined commonplace photo ops. She made the decision to transform expecting mothers into Disney cartoon princesses by dipping them into a fairy tale. She has the following:

This photographer transforms moms-to-be into Disney princesses - Good  Morning America

The young mother is now playing the part of Cinderella. She hasn’t yet lost her shoe, and the pumpkin hasn’t yet changed into a carriage. However, the image itself seems incredibly peaceful and lovely.

A photographer turns pregnant women into Disney princesses! (PHOTO) - Free  Press

Then Vanessa Firme made the decision to show us a picture of Disney Ariel from the Little Mermaid cartoon.
Do you wish to travel to magnificent Agrabah? The film’s stunning lead character, Princess Jasmine, will then aid in transporting you back to the enchanting Aladdin animated film.

And here is the hero of the Disney animated film “Beauty and the Beast,” which is based on the Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont fairy tale.
Naturally, the most lovely aspect of these photo shoots is not the Disney princesses’ exquisite and sophisticated attire.The most priceless thing in expectant moms’ hearts is their infants, which they keep hidden beneath their gleaming features and flaming eyes.

Photographer Transforms Pregnant Women Into Disney PrincessesThey will soon be getting ready for brand-new photo shoots, this time with the much-anticipated baby.

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