In Just One Year, a 10-Year-old Boy Who Was Considered the Fattest in the World Has Made an Incredible Transformation

Arya’s mother was pleased that her son had such a huge appetite. Until her son reached 190 kg and became the heaviest youngster in the world!

As a result, Arya, the fattest boy in the world, has been eating tightly since he was young.
Mom fulfilled all of his requests. The boy typically ate a lot of pasta for breakfast, potatoes, ice cream, and cake for lunch and dinner.

World's fattest child - who weighs 31st at 10 years old - set to undergo weight loss surgery | Daily Mail Online

Arya started to feel fatigued from the extra weight and found it difficult to walk even 10 meters without experiencing breathlessness. It turned out that Arya’s mother continued to feed her son junk food despite the advice of the experts.

Doctors warned mom that if she continued at this rate, she would only make matters worse. The woman didn’t stop until she finally had her son follow a diet. Arya chose to pursue sports. He attempted to play football, walked a lot, and swam.

Despite how challenging it was, he shunned junk food.
He is now 90 kg lighter after losing more than half his body weight. Arya is resuming school, playing with other kids, and showing a real interest in football, making him more and more like a typical young child of his age.

10-year-old boy who was considered the fattest in the world has changed beyond recognition in a year

The youngster exclaimed, “I want to be a football star like my hero, Roberto Firmino!”

The only thing preventing Arya from returning to her normal life is sagging skin caused by rapid weight loss.

10-year-old boy who was considered the fattest in the world has changed beyond recognition in a yearThe boy is extremely self-conscious and wants to overcome this weakness as quickly as possible. We are confident that Arya will be successful.


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