Every time, a teen is required to show his friends that he is an Indian native. Everyone around Aviral Chauhan is misled by his white skin because of this.
Skin vitiligo is a rare condition. It shows up as the melanin pigment in some places of the skin disappearing. A youngster of 19 years discovered this characteristic when he first observed a white speck near his eye.
When he was 14 years old, the skin had absorbed half of its pigment. Aviral Chauhan had a dramatic transformation, becoming very different from his family. In old photographs, he occasionally has trouble recognizing himself.
My vitiligo spread quickly and began as a small white spot. He had to put up with frequent teasing and humiliation at school.
“It infuriates me to hear numerous claims that I’m borrowing a different culture. I want everyone to know that I am an Indian native.
Aviral can now take criticism and allegations from his surroundings more easily. He is appreciative of his family, who have always been there for him.
“My family never made fun of me for how I looked.” I’ve always thought of myself as normal. I will always be grateful to them for that.