Charlie and Cullen Worgan, an Australian husband-and-wife pair, have a normal life. They raise two girls and run their own business. Despite the fact that the story looks very simple, this family is not at all typical.
Cullen Worgan is just 4.4 feet tall compared to Charlie’s 4.1 feet. The hereditary diagnosis of dwarfism was given to Cullen. And his wife has “achondroplasia,” a disorder in which the lengthy bones do not fully form.
The diagnosis hasn’t affected Charlie, 27, or Cullen, 38. They make an effort to live a healthy lifestyle and exercise frequently. They are able to get through life’s challenges with a cheerful outlook and confidence in the best.
Doctors warned spouses that their children might carry the bad genes of their parents. But this did not stop them. Unfortunately, the doctors’ worries were well-founded. The younger daughter acquired the dwarfism of her father, while the older daughter inherited the sickness of her mother.
“We are the same as everyone else.” They often look at us strangely, as if we were not from this world, but we are used to this. “We try to treat everything with understanding and ease, and we don’t get irritated easily,” the woman said.